Uno studente ha basato la sua tesi sull’ipotesi dell’esistenza dei Fantastici Quattro in MCU

Fantastici Quattro
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Lo studente Matthew Dela Cruz ha deciso di fare qualcosa che tutti vorremmo fare; una tesi che ci mostra l’arrivo dei Fantastici Quattro nel MCU. Il suo college alla fine ha deciso di mostrare il lavoro di Matthew e lui ha postato alcuni scatti sul suo profilo Instagram. Come potete vedere dalle immagini sotto, anche la tuta del team è stata ricostruita pensando alla moda dell’esplorazione spaziale degli anni 60, ma pensando anche alle protezioni degli eroi.

Visualizza questo post su Instagram

The Fantastic Four suit I made got a lot of love so here's another look at it! A little breakdown, I designed it all by myself, made the pattern myself as well. @cavin_creations hooked me up with some sweet screen printed fabric for the lighter blue sections, the hexagon fabric was from Yaya Han and I dye subbed blue onto it. As the presentation was closing in, my schedule got pretty hectic so @stark_enzo did me a solid and sanded the emblem that I printed. And of course I did all the sewing and assembly myself! The plan was to make this a cosplay friendly suit so I reeeeeally tried to look for flexible and stretchable piping but I had no time to keep searching so I had no choice but to make it a display only suit and used cables that I painted silver. But nevertheless, I'm still so proud of how this turned out and I'm so happy that people like it as well! – #fantasticfour #ff #fantastic4 #mrfantastic #reedrichards #invisiblewoman #suestorm #humantorch #johnnystorm #thething #bengrimm #silversurfer #galactus #maffhewdc #avengers #endgame #avengersendgame #marvelcinematicuniverse #mcu #marvel #disney #fsdcc #conceptart #multiverse #fantasticfourmovie #cosplay #cosplayer #costume

Un post condiviso da Matthew Dela Cruz (@maffhewdc) in data:


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