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Stanotte è terminata un’era con l’episodio final della serie Game of Thrones. Purtroppo era palese già da un po’ che l’ultimo episodio avrebbe sollevato un vero e proprio vespaio. Il penultimo episodio ha attirato le critiche dei fan, adirati per il trattamento ai personaggi tanto amati. Ovviamente l’ultimo episodio non ha migliorato questo odio.
L’ultimo episodio ha scatenato tantissime critiche sul web e ovviamente il primo social nel quale possiamo vedere queste critiche è Twitter. Orde di fan arrabbiati che insieme potrebbero formare l’intero esercito di Daenerys Targaryen.
This is the one time I feel glad that I never got sucked into a pop-culture phenomenon like everyone else.
— Zach Shanker (@Zach_Nighthawk) May 20, 2019
Many of you invested part of your souls into Game of Thrones for 8 seasons, & y’all get that conclusion!? LOL
To all the tribute podcasts & cliched sports analogies, I say
How I feel knowing so many people are hating on tonight’s #gameofthrones. For those of you complaining that it sucked/it wasn’t up to your hype: let other people enjoy it, don’t ruin it for them because you didn’t get what you wanted.
— GameGuyGrover (@gameguygrover) May 20, 2019
Unpopular Opinion: Game of Thrones has always been complex, which is why I loved it in the first place. Characters have always had complicated motivations and behavior. But this season, we see them being oversimplified. For me, that's the reason why this season sucked the most.
— Leynard (@alcoranleynard) May 12, 2019
Yes the episode sucked ! But can we all take a moment to appreciate EMILIA CLARKE !!! My god ! The way she portrayed Danny’s emotions was MIND BLOWING ! And she did that by looking at a green screen!! What an actor! Give her an emmy already!!!! #GameOfThrones #EmiliaClarke
— N (@namitha995) May 14, 2019
Game of Thrones ending sucked. Ruined the whole series.
— DeShon Elliott (@OfficialShon_4) May 20, 2019
The final season of #GameOfThrones sucked. Even Emilia Clarke, #Daenerys Targaryen herself, agrees.
— Purpura Draco (@PurpuraDraco) May 20, 2019
Everyone's response to GoT – including mine! – is "man that sucked so much but I'm really glad we had the community who watched it together"
— Jake Nazar (@ATVS_JakeNazar) May 20, 2019
They really made it so that Game of Thrones was the friends we made along the way
That whole thing sucked but this visual was cool as hell. Game of Thrones cinematography and visuals never let us down.
— Julia Dunsmore (@mildcard11) May 20, 2019
Game of Thrones…wonk..wonk..wonk! That ending sucked! #truthinthoughts #got
— Kianga Stevenson (@Mzz_Smurfette) May 20, 2019